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Our Lady of Lourdes

Catholic Nursery and Primary School

Live, Love, Learn.

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‘I like everything at Our Lady of Lourdes!’
Year 3 Pupil
‘We were extremely impressed with the school, the facilities and all of the staff.’
‘My son had a great time at the Christmas party today; he misses his teachers and friends so much that he wants to come into school tomorrow and it’s the holidays!’
Year 2 Pupil
'As always you go above and beyond.'
‘I love all my friends and the teachers at OLOL.’
Year 1 Pupil
‘We are all part of God’s family and need to be kind to each other.’
Year 2 Pupil

Rights Respecting Schools



The ‘Rights Respecting School Award’ (RRSA) is an initiative run by UNICEF UK, which encourages schools to place the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of its ethos and curriculum. A Rights Respecting School not only teaches about children’s rights, but it also models rights and respect in all its relationships, whether between children or between children and adults.

Take a look at some of our RRSA events below…

UNICEF #BakeforSyria


This term each class will be holding a cake sale to raise money for Syrian refugees. Year 5&6 kicked it off today and raised lots of money! Thank you to all who donated and baked beautiful treats!

Our Lady of Lourdes Fairtrade Tuck Shop


The Fairtrade tuck shop was a huge success. Thank you to all the staff for supplying the fairtrade produce which was then sold at break time. We managed to raise a fantastic £142.57 which will help to support UNICEF’s work; upholding every child’s right to receive a balanced, nutritious diet.

Thank you for all your donations and support,

Miss Flynn


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